Dental Professionals
AbCd program Description

The AbCd Montana program is an outgrowth of the original Washington State AbCd program established in 1994. Learning from the successes and areas of growth of this initial vanguard program the Montana Dental Association and the Montana Office of Medicaid chose to focus on the funneling of the greatest amount of resources into the prevention of Early Childhood Caries (ECC). Consequently, AbCd Montana centers on the establishment of an age one “dental home” for underserved children and the provision of additional preventative services to those found to be the most at risk for dental disease. In the recent past it was believed that it was adequate for children to have their first dental visit by age 3 or even 5. Now the evidence supports health promoting interventions for children by age one. In light of this evidence, AbCd Montana has developed a rigorous training program for dentists and their support staff to achieve this evidence-based recommendation.

  • Perinatal, infant and toddler oral health
  • Etiology, pathophysiology, progression and treatment of Early Childhood Caries
  • Caries Risk Assessment (CRA) tool utilization
  • Fluoridation guidelines and prescription writing
  • Anticipatory guidance
  • Motivational interviewing
  • Oral health literacy
  • Medical-dental partnerships
  • Hands-on clinical training in AbCd MT clinical protocols with pediatric dentists
  • Child behavior management techniques
  • State and community resources and support

The Montana Office of Medicaid, understanding the advanced training and resources needed by dentists to provide these services and the benefits of delivering disease preventing services to at risk children committed substantial funding and support to compensate dentists to the appropriate maximum amount for the services provided. Services provided under this enhanced reimbursement system are available at a more frequent rate only to AbCd Montana trained dentists. Since one of the major goals of AbCd Montana is to ensure that resources and services are delivered to pediatric patients based upon the patient’s individual risk of developing the disease ECC all dentists are required to complete a caries risk assessment (CRA) for children under 36 months.

The last and most essential component of AbCd Montana is patient and provider support to remove barriers to care. Patients, their families and their dentists, may sometimes have additional support needs such as translator and transportation services, and claims assistance. The Montana Office of Medicaid graciously supports these vital needs as well. For information regarding these family support services contact the Montana Medicaid Dental and Transportation Program Officer.